The highly motivated children of PP2 at Educrest are well-equipped to face the challenges of the formal schooling system. They are confident individuals, good at communicating thoughts and ideas, and willing learners. They grasp the 3 R's (Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic) effectively. They can differentiate between safe and unsafe environments and practice healthy habits. The preschool journey concludes, and the children are ready for the rigors of formal schooling.
Highlights of the PP2 Curriculum:
- Language: Word building, grammar concepts, writing in complete sentences, reading.
- Math / Cognitive: Numbers and numerical concepts, comparing, classifying, estimating amounts.
- Science: Understanding different forms of the same resource, simple experiments from everyday life.
- Fine Motor / Art: Freehand drawing, managing craft work independently.
- Social Skills: Learning socially acceptable behavior.
- Life Skills: Discerning between appropriate and inappropriate behavior.
- Music: Creating rhythm and music independently, understanding sound patterns.